Monday, December 31, 2007

Complaints from 30,000 Feet

A little sometrhing I wrote on the trip back.

I really hope we get transporter technology down to a science soon. I remember watching a Voyager in which Harry Kim references how he made the trip I’m making today (there and back, in fact) in a couple of hours. That’d be nice. It’s not really the 8 hours that bugs me, but the extreme discomfort of flying. Thus far my sleeping plan has failed; after sleeping 4 hours last night, I managed to pull off one hour on the plane before I became painfully awake. Planning to spend the majority of the flight in blissful unconsciousness, I requested the window seat, another of my mortal arch-rivals (along with Guitar Hero). The rationale was that I would never be awoken as people passed in and out, but now I find myself with a backfired plan. Crammed into the claustrophobia-inducing window seat for four hours now, I want nothing more than to walk around. However, one of my comrades has fallen asleep in the path of my exit. Great planning, OSK.
God, I hate how these seats recline. For some reason I’ve never been into the whole reclining on a plane thing, but you really realize how obnoxious it is, especially if you’re not a little guy. The girl in front of me just pushed back aggressively into my knees for the billionth time, and being the short-tempered Klingon I am, I gave her seat a sharp push of warning. I’m hoping it just seems to her like the seat has reclined to its max, not that some pissed-off guy is unleashing his wrath after four hours.
So plane seats suck. And the food…I was excited about the food. First time I was ever served a meal during a flight was the trip over for this vacation. The chicken was alright, the mini-pie quite good, the brownie spongie and dry. However, this meal was crap on top of crap.
Okay, I convinced a comrade to switch seats with me. This may seem mean, but their legs aren’t nearly as long as mine, so they should be fine.
So maybe I should stop being such a whiney little bitch. After all, it’s Zero Day, right?
I guess this is the part of the post where I completely change gears and talk about some other random crap that’s on my mind. I’ve noticed that’s sorta become my style recently- Gone are the days of planning posts out and giving them a definite purpose. Instead, they’re random collections of my thoughts from the day. Blogging probably makes me a worse English student actually, seeing as it regularly lets me practice bad habits of disorganized writing. But whatever, I like writing this better than I like writing organized crap.
Alright, I suppose I’ll change gears right now. I’ve always thought the worst type of blogging is the type that talks about blogging, save for a few exceptions. Bottom line- Air travel sucks and I’m a bad English student.
I don’t get it- I slept 4 hours and I can’t catch a wink of sleep on this motherfucker (Better, J_V?), but everyone who got 8-10 hours is out like a light? Such is the curse of my talent of avoiding sleep. I swear, one of these days I’m just not going to be able to sleep for days on end. Apparently teenage insomnia runs in the males of our family.

I guess flying isn’t that bad. I mean, hundreds of years ago people spent years crossing the ocean, only to spend their first 7 years in their new land as a slave of the captain who brought them over. I suppose I’ve got it a little better.

Roll right, rock hard. Actually not that great of a song, but I like how the phrase sounds.

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