No, as a matter of fact that's not very high on my to-do list. Getting suggestive with someone I don't know at 1am without even seeing their face is not that appealing to me, but that's not what flirt hotlines want you to think. It's getting increasingly frustrating how after 11pm, certain tv channels seem to flip the switch for their sex commercials. I'm sorry, but I already feel alienated from society (what with me watching SNL at 1am), can't you at least play a healthy line-up of normal commercials to make me feel normal?
Okay, so I guess I can see where these accusations of asexuality come from, seeing that this is my third post to date (2 in a row!) trashing sex/relationships, but the truth is that these hotline ads are just one example of how commercials have gone downhill in the past few years. I mean seriously, commercials are the bane of a tv fan's existence anyway- We just want to see our shows, preferrably more of them and less of the ads- but if you're going to have ads, couldn't you at last make them half-decent? From the point of view of a network, it's got to be more mutually profitable to try as hard as possible to turn all 60 minutes of a show (or 30 minutes, if you're into shows of "now-you-see-it, now-you-don't" duration) into quality entertainment?
Sure, there are oodles of entertaining commercials. They usually fall into 2 categories- 1)Funny- the majority of entertaining commercials. There's nothing like getting a good laugh in between segments of your shows, especially when it's one of those times when you just can't stop laughing, or 2) Just downright cool- usually this involves some sort of visual effects extravaganza or, of course, a display of physical determination and achievement (See- Goarmy commercials with the rock-climbers). However, there are just a ton of commercials that aren't at all entertaining, and don't even seem to try to be. Like Pop-Tarts (Just go with me on this one). Seriously, what's so great about watching poorly drawn cartoons talk about how great Pop-Tarts are, make some bad pun or horrible attempt at physical comedy, and then show the "Pop-Tarts" colorful label and end? I don't care what Pop-Tarts taste like, that commercial sucked.
I miss the good old commercials of yesteryear- Suki hacking the car plant via laptop, the Toyota spy/crossdresser- good times(At this point I'm going to assume I've lost you). In any case, maybe if networks raised their standards for commercial entertainment, the entertainment in commercials would rise. Just a thought.
-The warrior without a batleth(No, that was not a reference to any physical shortcomings)
Give power back to the Jedi!
It's especially awkward when you're watching TV and your Dad comes in while two people are banging in a bathroom stall on TV and it's only really a commercial.
True story.
Would that happen to be one of Spike TV's "Blade: The Series" promos?
Nope, late night MTV.
"flirting half naked"...sounds like mountain day to me
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