Saturday, November 24, 2007

Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Part 1)

I ws about to say that this is the least tedious Forsaken Fortress I've ever done, but just then J_Verts got nailed by one of the guards and we got confined to a cell once again. It's annoying how these games put such annoying first levels in, onlyto have enjoyable, quality levels amke up the meat of the game. It's enough to turn any gamer whose not a complete psycho like me off of an actually good game. It's also a mystery why the guards in the fortress are so dead ugly. In any case, this fortress is huge, and I want out.

YES, going up the tower now. MOTHERCRAPPER, another guard. Beginning to wonder if knocking out those searchlights was actually necessary, maybe just a waste of time. Whatever, syupid mistakes.

LOL talking ship. When did Link start on drugs? Anyway, onto Rupee gathering.

1 comment:

gbz said...

Good job actually explaining what your doing.