Thursday, December 14, 2006

This Night of Lewd Jokes Brought to you by Nabisco

Thursday, December 14
4:18 AM

Feeling a bit weary. Go figure. Woke up at 6:30 yesterday morn, had a busy day. I was tired by 9, you know, tired like you're tired after a nice, productive 24 hours. Here I am, about 30 gumdrops and an energy drink and a half later, feeling a tad like I have no idea why I'm posting.

Probably should've called this one BFTSOB, but it's more like blogging for the sake of entertaining myself in my ultimate quest to stay awake, as the two tipos playing tetris next to me aren't exactly being the most entertaining shrubs ever when they're slaving in front of a screen. Speaking of Vorgoth and Koops,

Obviously, I just realized that I have no idea what I'm blogging for. Like Juicy, I was abut to delve into a hardcore (or as hardcore as a Klingon can get at 4 in the morning) talk about feelings, but realized it was dumb and I would probably find myself out of a friend or two. In any case, this is going nowhere. Forgive me, I'll post something substancial soon (this time when I'm actually awake enough to understand what I'm typing).

Means, motive, opportunity. You've got it all....what are you waiting for?

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